This Notebook is mainly an exploratory analysis of the HearthPWN Dataset. The main focus is to perform visual and predictive analysis.
Since Hearthstone is constantly coming out with new cards whilst balancing the rest, I am interested in how this would contribute to the meta of the game.
## All the Libraries used
import os
import numpy as np
import json
import pandas as pd
from collections import Counter
import csv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import neighbors, metrics, grid_search, cross_validation
##import seaborn as sns
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
from sklearn import feature_selection, linear_model
import sklearn
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor, RandomForestClassifier
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 10)
pd.set_option('display.notebook_repr_html', True)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 10)
%matplotlib inline'ggplot')
## reading heartpwn dataset
data_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join('data.csv'))
data_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(data_df['date'])
## reading card dataset
with open('refs.json') as file:
refs = json.load(file)
refs = pd.DataFrame(refs)
## Average cost for crafting decks
print np.average(data_df.craft_cost, weights=(data_df.deck_format == 'S'))
print np.average(data_df.craft_cost, weights=(data_df.deck_format == 'W'))
On average, Standard decks cost more dust than Wild decks.
## Graph: craft cost vs deck rating
plt.scatter(data_df.craft_cost, np.sort(data_df.rating.values))
plt.xlabel('craft cost', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('rating', fontsize=12)
Most of the decks cost less than 10000 to craft, but there are also "troll" decks that costs as much as 45000 dust to craft
## Graph: craft cost vs deck class
c = data_df.craft_cost.groupby(data_df.deck_class).mean()
c.plot(kind = 'bar')
From the graph, Warrior decks often cost the most to craft, whilst Hunter decks are the cheapest
## Graph: craft cost vs expansion
c = data_df.craft_cost.groupby(data_df.deck_set).mean()
c.sort_values(inplace=True, ascending = False)
c[:15].plot(kind = 'bar')
## reloading and cleaning data sets
## Dropping Travern Brawl decks since its decks and rules does not apply to the rest of the game
data_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join('data.csv'))
with open('refs.json') as file:
refs = json.load(file)
refs = pd.DataFrame(refs)
data_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(data_df['date'])
refs.race.fillna('Normal', inplace=True)
data_df = data_df.drop(data_df.deck_type == 'Tavern Brawl')
card_col = ['card_{}'.format(str(i)) for i in range(30)]
## merging data with card dictionary
result = data_df.copy()
result = result.reset_index(drop = True)
for x in range(30):
result = pd.merge(result, refs, left_on = result[card_col[x]], right_on = refs.dbfId, how = 'left')
## creating Race columns and its sum
races = refs.race.unique()
race_df = pd.DataFrame(index=result.index)
for x in range(len(races)):
race_df[races[x]] = 0
dum = [result['race_x'],result['race_y']]
for x in range(len(result)):
out = Counter(dum[0].ix[x]) + Counter(dum[1].ix[x])
for i in range(len(races)):
race_df = race_df.set_value(x, races[i], out[races[i]])
## Adding date and release to dataframe
race_df['date'] =
race_df['deck_set'] = result.deck_set
## Looking at Releases that contributed to the most deck creations and its race distribution
trial = race_df.copy()
threshold = 5000 # Anything that occurs less than this will be removed.
value_counts = trial['deck_set'].value_counts() # Specific column
to_remove = value_counts[value_counts <= threshold].index
trial['deck_set'].replace(to_remove, np.nan, inplace=True)
trial = trial.dropna(how = 'any')
d = trial.groupby(trial.deck_set).mean()
d.drop(['Beta Patch 3937'],axis = 0, inplace = True)
d.drop(['Live Patch 5506'],axis = 0, inplace = True)
d.plot(kind = 'bar',stacked = True, colormap='hsv').legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
## dataframes used are from before
result_copy = result.copy()
## Creating cost columns and its sum
costs = refs.cost.unique()
cost_df = pd.DataFrame(index=result.index)
for x in range(len(costs)):
cost_df[costs[x]] = 0
dum = [result_copy['cost_x'],result_copy['cost_y']]
for x in range(len(result_copy)):
out = Counter(dum[0].ix[x]) + Counter(dum[1].ix[x])
for i in range(len(costs)):
cost_df = cost_df.set_value(x, costs[i], out[costs[i]])
## Adding date and release to dataframe
cost_df['date'] =
cost_df['deck_set'] = result_copy.deck_set
## Looking at Releases that contributed to the most deck creations and its race distribution
trial1 = cost_df.copy()
threshold = 5000 # Anything that occurs less than this will be removed.
value_counts = trial1['deck_set'].value_counts() # Specific column
to_remove = value_counts[value_counts <= threshold].index
trial1['deck_set'].replace(to_remove, np.nan, inplace=True)
trial1 = trial1.dropna(how = 'any')
trial1 = trial1.reindex_axis(sorted(trial1.columns), axis=1)
b = trial1.groupby(trial1.deck_set).mean()
b.drop(['Beta Patch 3937'],axis = 0, inplace = True)
b.drop(['Live Patch 5506'],axis = 0, inplace = True)
b.plot(kind = 'bar',stacked = True).legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
b = b.transpose()
b.plot(kind = 'bar',stacked = True).legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
This shows that across the releases, the average setup of the deck, card cost wise, all look similar.
deck_df = result.copy()
deck_df = deck_df[['deck_class','deck_set']]
threshold = 5000 # Anything that occurs less than this will be removed.
value_counts = deck_df['deck_set'].value_counts() # Specific column
to_remove = value_counts[value_counts <= threshold].index
deck_df['deck_set'].replace(to_remove, np.nan, inplace=True)
deck_df = deck_df.dropna(how = 'any')
deck_df = deck_df.reset_index(drop = True)
difclass = deck_df.deck_class.unique()
for x in range(len(difclass)):
deck_df[difclass[x]] = 0
for x in range(len(deck_df)):
deck_df = deck_df.set_value(x, deck_df.ix[x][0], 1)
b = deck_df.groupby(deck_df.deck_set).mean()
b.drop(['Beta Patch 3937'],axis = 0, inplace = True)
b.drop(['Live Patch 5506'],axis = 0, inplace = True)
b.plot(kind = 'bar',stacked = True, colormap='hsv').legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
arch_df = result.copy()
arch_df = arch_df[['deck_archetype','deck_set']]
threshold = 5000 # Anything that occurs less than this will be removed.
value_counts = arch_df['deck_set'].value_counts() # Specific column
to_remove = value_counts[value_counts <= threshold].index
arch_df['deck_set'].replace(to_remove, np.nan, inplace=True)
arch_df = arch_df.dropna(how = 'any')
arch_df = arch_df[arch_df.deck_archetype != 'Unknown']
arch_df = arch_df.reset_index(drop = True)
archetype = arch_df.deck_archetype.unique()
for x in range(len(archetype)):
arch_df[archetype[x]] = 0
for x in range(len(arch_df)):
arch_df = arch_df.set_value(x, arch_df.ix[x][0], 1)
b = arch_df.groupby(arch_df.deck_set).mean()
b_copy = b.copy()
b_copy = b_copy.transpose()
c = b_copy.apply(lambda x: x.sort_values(ascending=False).head(5), axis=0)
c = c.transpose()
c.drop(['Beta Patch 3937'],axis = 0, inplace = True)
c.drop(['Live Patch 5506'],axis = 0, inplace = True)
c.dropna(axis = 1, how = 'all', inplace = True)
c.plot(kind = 'bar',stacked = True,colormap='hsv').legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
data_copy = data_df.copy()
data_copy = data_copy.loc[:,'craft_cost':'rating']
data_copy = data_copy.drop('deck_id', axis = 1)
data_copy = data_copy.reset_index(drop = True)
race_copy = race_df.copy()
race_copy = race_copy.drop('date', axis = 1)
race_copy = race_copy.drop('deck_set', axis = 1)
data_copy = pd.concat([data_copy, race_copy], axis=1)
cost_copy = cost_df.copy()
cost_copy = cost_copy.drop('date', axis = 1)
cost_copy = cost_copy.drop('deck_set', axis = 1)
data_copy = pd.concat([data_copy, cost_copy], axis=1)
data_copy = data_copy[data_copy.deck_archetype != 'Unknown']
data_copy = data_copy.reset_index(drop = True)
test = pd.get_dummies(data_copy.deck_class, prefix='dum')
data_copy = pd.concat([data_copy, test], axis=1)
test = pd.get_dummies(data_copy.deck_format, prefix='dum')
data_copy = pd.concat([data_copy, test], axis=1)
test = pd.get_dummies(data_copy.deck_type, prefix='dum')
data_copy = pd.concat([data_copy, test], axis=1)
test = pd.get_dummies(data_copy.deck_set, prefix='dum')
data_copy = pd.concat([data_copy, test], axis=1)
data_copy = data_copy.drop('deck_class', axis = 1)
data_copy = data_copy.drop('deck_format', axis = 1)
data_copy = data_copy.drop('deck_type', axis = 1)
data_copy = data_copy.drop('deck_set', axis = 1)
msk = np.random.rand(len(data_copy)) <= 0.7
train = data_copy[msk]
test = data_copy[~msk]
y_train = train.deck_archetype
X_train = train.drop('deck_archetype', axis = 1)
X_train = X_train.drop('date', axis = 1)
y_test = test.deck_archetype
X_test = test.drop('deck_archetype', axis = 1)
X_test = X_test.drop('date', axis = 1)
model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators = 25, oob_score = True)
print model.score(X_test, y_test)
check = pd.DataFrame(index = X_train.columns)
check['importance'] = model.feature_importances_
check.sort_values(by = 'importance', axis = 0, inplace = True, ascending = False)
## changing the N-Estimators to see whether the model gains accuracy as N-Estimators increase
rf_trees = pd.DataFrame(index = range(1,15))
rf_trees['Train'] = 0.00
rf_trees['Test'] = 0.00
for x in range(1,15):
y = x * 10
model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators = y, oob_score = True)
rf_trees['Train'][x] =,y_train).score(X_train,y_train)
rf_trees['Test'][x] = model.score(X_test, y_test)
rf_trees.plot(use_index = True)
plt.annotate('Train max', xy=(rf_trees['Train'].idxmax(),rf_trees['Train'].max()))
plt.annotate('Test max', xy=(rf_trees['Test'].idxmax(),rf_trees['Test'].max()))
def annot_max(x,y, ax=None):
xmax = rf_trees['Train'][np.argmax(rf_trees['Test'])]
ymax = rf_trees['Test'].max()
text= "max: N-Estimator={:.3f}, x={:.3f},y={:.3f}".format(rf_trees['Test'].idxmax(),xmax,ymax)
if not ax:
bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="square,pad=0.3", fc="w", ec="k", lw=0.72)
kw = dict(xycoords='data',textcoords="axes fraction",
arrowprops=arrowprops, bbox=bbox_props, ha="right", va="top")
plt.annotate(text, xy=(xmax, ymax), xytext=(0.94,0.96), **kw)